Work Improvement Proposal - East Wind - 1983

Shared by East Wind Community
Tags: Labor, Organization and Planning, Management, Committees

Work Improvement Proposal
East Wind

Work Improvement Proposal EW-B4

W.I.M.P. PROPOSAL (passed April 27, 1983-- 20 Yes, 0 No, 5 abstain)

Work System Management:
Work Committee
Work Manager
Work Coordinator

Social committee
Resource Committee
Area Committees
Overall EWC management chart

Area and Branch divisions


Branches Manager

Permanent workers

Floating labor

Visitor labor

Other system details:
Done Budgeting
Recording done time
Assignments - summary chart
Over quota & extra vacation time
Guaranteed vacation



Since WIMP was put in place in 1983 there have been changes in the original legislation. However a complete revision has never been undertaken. What is here then is the original legislation with numbers denoting changes where applicable. Reference notes are located at end of this section.


Work Manager - chairperson.
Work Coordinator
Social Committee representative - one of the general Communitarians

General intent:
This committee will be the main address for work related concerns and problems. They will be expected to deal with all problems related to work - job assignments, budget problems, conflicts, etc.

Responsible for:
1) Making permanent work assignments and changes.
2) Keeping labor use within budgets.
3) Monitoring supply in relation to the annual plan.
4) Interpreting labor policies set by the community.
5) Resolving individual and branch labor problems.
6) Helping the Resource Committee with work planning.
7) Meeting folks needs for satisfying work.
8) Implementation of the community's work plans.
9) Overall operation of the work system.
10) Managing the HTA system.
11) Posting policies prior to a final decision.
12) Making recommendations on all legislation affecting the work system.
13) Submitting reports to the Resource Committee, considering questions put to it by the resource committee (minority opinion should be allowed for)
14) Trying to keep permanent work assignments to 3 or less per member
15) Posting decisions

Authority to:
1) Make permanent work assignments, subject to approval by the branch, and remove folks from them.
2) Reallocate labor between budgets, raise or lower budgets based on supply changes, as long as it is within the guidelines set by the community.
3) Make policies as long as they are within the scope of legislation already passes by the community.
4) In extreme cases of non-cooperation on keeping spending within budget: deny branches visitor labor, floating labor and new permanent workers, or deny individuals credit.
5) Set guidelines for the work coordinator to allocate work outside of budgets.
6) Determine guidelines and criteria for the HTA system.


General intent:
This person will be the coordinator for the operation of the work system. Folks wanting something dealt with by the Work committee will go to co. Co will be in charge of records and reports. Co will be expected to take a major role in the overall operation of the area as well as helping with achieving the work related goals of the community.

Responsible for:
1) Acting as chair and spokesperson for the Work Committee.
2) Record keeping.
3) Trouble shooting budget problems and coordinating the work committee's efforts on these problems.
4) Sitting on the resource committee and contributing to the overall planning of the community's resources.
5) Overall management of the work system.
6) Implementing decisions of the Work Committee
7) Acting as Work Committee's representative in dealing with individual and branch problems.
8) Acting as the emergency backup for the work coordinator.

Authority to:
1) Cast one vote on the work committee.
2) Set the agenda for the work committee.
3) Cast one vote on the resource committee.
4) Exercise other authorities given by the work committee.


General intent:
This person will coordinate the daily adjustments that will be needed in cases such as: when folks are sick, when it rains, as well as handling visitor labor. Co will need to know who can fill in on various jobs when someone else is sick, etc. The work coordinator will also need to know what jobs are available for folks who are looking for additional work.

Responsible for:
1) Assigning floating work.
2) Assigning work for visitors
3) Handling daily adjustments, finding folks to fill in for folks who are sick, etc. and can't get their branch to cover for them.
4) Keeping a master of who is working where.
5) Finding work for folks who get rained out, etc. and do not have other work in their branches.
6) Asking people to work in other branches in order to cover for someone who is sick, on vacation, etc.
7) Maintaining a skills list.
8) Maintaining a display of work available, in a central location.
9)Implementing decisions of the work committee
10) Assigning HTA

Authority to:
1) Assign visitors work
2) Assign floating work.
3) Change floating work assignments as is needed to implement the intent of the community's plan.
4) In unusual cases: okay work outside of budgets for folks unable to find other work - within the guidelines set by the work committee.
5) Cast one vote on the work committee.


Planner - chairperson.
3-general Communitarians - one of whom will be on the work committee

General intent:
This committee will be the main address for social concerns. These folks will be expected to deal with issues that have a social aspect to them - be they personal, small group, or community wide. They will make sure that the social concerns for the community are fairly represented in decisions that are made.

Responsible for:
1) Finding ways to address the social concerns of the community.
2) Developing plans and making recommendations to the community on how to address specific and general social concerns.
3) Speaking as the community's representative on social problems - to the community and to individuals.
4) Coordinating the resource usage of areas responsible to it.
5) Appointing sub committees and managers.
6) Posting policies prior to final decisions.
7) Being a group that folks can come to about social conflicts between individuals, etc.
8) Posting decisions.

Authority to:
1) Reallocate money and labor between the social areas.
2) Refuse (veto) any Resource Committee decision affecting social areas.
3) Appeal any decision by the Resource Committee to the Planners.
4) Appoint: Cultural Committee, Weeds & Knots Committee, Recreation Manager, Holidays Managers, Membership Committee, Visitor Manager, Recruiting Manager, Federation Delegates, & Network Manager, Pets Manager, Hunting Mgr.


Planner - chairperson.
Work manager
2-general Communitarians

General intent:
This committee will handle all resource related questions. They will develop the annual resource plan with direction from the planners. The committee will make changes in the plan during the year as long as they are within the intent of the plan, in order to speed up the response to changes in what is required of the community's resources.

Responsible for:
1) Implementing the community's resource plans.
2) Making whatever adjustments are needed to achieve the goals set by the community.
3) Developing plans and making recommendations to the planners on how to best use our resources to achieve the community's goals.
4) Coordinating the resource usage of areas responsible to it.
5) Revising resource proposals at the direction of the planners.
6) Posting policies prior to a final decision.
7) Interpreting and , to the best of its ability, implementing the resource application aspects of all community legislation, under the direction of the planners.
8) Posting Decisions

Authority to:
1) Reallocate resources within the intent of the community's resource plans.
2) Decide on appeals.
3) Refuse (veto) any Social Committee decision affecting Resource Committee areas.
4) Appeal any decision by the Social Committee to the Planners.
5) Set guidelines within which the Work Committee can reallocate labor.


Child Committee:
2 Representatives of the Child Branch.
General Communitarian
Planner (non-voting)

Medical Committee:
3 General Communitarians
Planner (non-voting)

Agriculture Committee:
2 Representatives of the Agriculture Branch.
General Communitarians
Planner (non-voting)

Business Committee: (as is)
General Manager - casual furniture
General Manager - Nut and Seed Products
2 General Communitarians
Planner (voting)

Plant & Equipment Committee:
Representative of the Building & Maintenance Branch
Representative of the Garage Branch
General Communitarian
Planner (non-voting)

Services Committee:
Representative of House Branch
Representative of Kitchen Branch
General Communitarian
Planner (non-voting)

General Intent:
These committees will handle resources for the branch(s) within their area. They will be expected to balance the interests of the community with those of the branch. Because of the flexibility in allocating resources, these committees will be able to focus resources more effectively.

Responsible for:
1) Overall planning, coordination and management of the activities within the area.
2) Insuring communication within and between branches.
3) Posting policies prior to a final decision.

Authority to:
1) Allocate and reallocate resources ($ and labor) within the area including establishing reserves for projects, buffers and overruns. And in doing so, to the best of its ability, fulfilling the intent of community legislation.
2) Decide on appeals.
3) Set resource parameters within which branches will operate.

Cross Functional Areas:

Board of Planners
Resource Committee
Work Committee
Work Manager
Work Coordinator
Accounting & Purchasing Branch
Social Committee

Functional Areas; Social sphere:

Child committee
Child Branch
Medical Committee
"Quality of life committee"
cultural Committee
Weeds and knots Committee
Recreation Manager
Holiday Manager
"Recruitment and retention committee"
Membership committee
Visitor Manager
Recruitment Manager
"Movement activities committee"
Federation Delegates
Network Manager

Functional areas; Resource Sphere:

Agricultural Committee
Agriculture Branch
Business Committee
Nut and Seed Products Branch
Casual Furniture Branch
Sandals Branch
Shipping Branch
Plant and Equipment Committee
Building and Maintenance Branch
Garage Branch
Service Committee
House Branch
Kitchen Branch


General Intent:
These groupings of activities will allow more local control; promote identification with ones work area- through the permanent work and branch setup; encourage pride in ones branch and ones work; and increase efficiency.

Requirements for being a branch:
1) Minimum of 3 permanent workers.
2) Minimum of 300 people days per year.
3) If these standards are not met by a branch, it will be folded into other branches in the area - no new branch will be established without this level of funding and commitment.
4) A specific decision will be made by the community to create or dissolve a branch.

Responsible for:

1) Insuring that all activities that are a part of the branch get taken care of.
2) Making sure that done time gets recorded & handed in to the work manager.
3) Morale of the workers.
4) Productivity of the branch.
5) Working conditions in the branch.
6) Staying within money and labor budgets set by the area committee.
7) Delegating enough authority to the branch manager so that co can be effective: i.e. spending $ and labor, etc.

Authority to:
1) Decide branch issues by a majority vote of the permanent workers.
2) delegate authority to the Branch Manager, or anyone else.
3) Recommend new permanent workers to the work committee and to refuse someone being assigned to the branch.
4) Elect the branch manager and other positions within the branch.
5) Make recommendations on the annual plan to the area committee.
6) Overrule the branch manager (if co has been elected by the branch) with 2/3 votes.
7) Elect the branch representative(s) in those cases in which a branch provides branch representatives to an area committee
8) These are authorities that the branch managers has that the branch can assume if they vote to do so:
a) Spending money, within the parameters set by the area committee.
b) Using lab or within the parameters set by the area committee. This includes requesting floating and visitor labor, as well as okaying work to be charged against the budget.
c) Set up internal responsibilities (managerships, metas) within the branch.
d) Set criteria for permanent workers.
e) Delegate spending authority for money and labor.

1) The community elects the Branch Managers (General Managers) and Marketing Managers for Nut and Seed Products, Casual Furniture, and Sandals Branches.
2) There will be no Branch Manager for the Child Branch or Agriculture Branch unless the Branches vote to have one. If there is no Branch Manager, a spokesperson will be designated for the branch.
3) The Agriculture and Child Committees will fill the role of the Branch Manager until the Branches decide otherwise.
4) Nut and Seed products, Casual Furniture, Sandals and Shipping Branches do not elect representatives to the Business Committee.


General intent:
Branch Managers will be responsible for overall coordination of the branch. The competence of this person will have a key impact on the performance of the branch.

Responsible for:
1) Overall coordination of branch activities.
2) Anything delegated by the branch.
3) Morale of the branch.
4) Being the spokesperson for the branch to the community and area committee.
5) Helping implement branch plans and decisions.
6) Trouble shooting branch problems.
7) Staying within $ and labor budgets set by the area committee.
8) Work scheduling.

Authority to:
1) Set the agenda for branch meetings.
2) Exercise any authority delegated by the branch to the branch manager.
3) These are assumed to be the authority of the branch manager unless the branch decides otherwise:
a) Spending money within parameters set by the area committee.
b) Using labor within the parameters set by the area committee. This includes requesting floating and visitor labor, as well as okaying all work to be charged against the budget.
c) Set up internal responsibilities (managerships, metas) within the branch.
d) Set criteria for permanent workers.
e) Delegate spending authority for money and labor.


General intent:

Permanent workers have a vote in branch decisions and job security, in exchange for making a significant commitment of time and willing new to share the responsibility for branch activities. This will result in more consistency, reduced burnout of managers, better management training and increased efficiency.

Responsible for:
1) Sharing responsibility with the other permanent workers for the performance of the branch.
2) Working out schedule changes with ones branch: i.e. vacations
3) Helping fulfill the responsibilities of the branch.
4) Fulfilling the criteria of the branch for permanent workers.
5) Implementing branch and branch manager decisions.
6) Being cooperative.

Authority to:
1) Cast one vote in branch decisions.
2) Exercise other authorities delegated to them by the branch or branch manager.


General intent:
To allow variety in work, for work done outside permanent work assignments (i. e. committees, primary time, calf meta, etc.), and for fluctuating work needs i.e. hay bucking, etc.

1) Work done by members someplace other than the branch(s) where they are permanent workers.
2) Floating work can be a consistent assignment (i.e., primary).


General intent:
Not charging visitor labor against budgets makes visitors more desirable to branches, allows visitors to experience different types of jobs, both of which help integrate them into the community.

1) Visitor labor is all work done by visitors.
2) Done time by visitors is not charged against budgets.
3) Done time by visitors will be noted separately in the records.
4) Visitor management will deal with individual/branch labor problems involving visitors.


1) Annual plan process:
a) Social committee will submit recommendations on community directions and needs, as well as their concerns, to the planners.
b) Planners will give the resource committee direction on plan goals, etc.
c) Resource Committee will develop outlines of the resource situation and drafts of the plan, and submit them to the planners.
d) Planners will review the drafts and ask for revisions of the drafts by the Resource Committee until the Planners are ready to propose it to the community, involving the Social Committee as is necessary/desired.
e) This is a general outline and can be modified by the planners.

2) Labor supply will be based on projected done time.

3) The community meting will determine, amongst other things:
a) number of people days in each area/branch (the total block of time)
b) maximum number of permanent workers in each branch.
c) quota

4) Plans will be based on current population with contingency plans for growth or shrinkage.


General intent:
Done budgeting will: encourage more realistic planning, create a downward pressure on quota, reduce red tape when changing work in mid-week and provide quick feedback on the labor situation.

1) Budget balances will be calculated using done time.



1) The amount of time worked will be recorded. (done time)
2) Done time will be recorded by branch, area, committee or some other category.
3) Sheets will be located at work branches or some other convenient location.
4) Sheets will be collected weekly.
5) Recording on sheets will be done by the individual or someone else as determined by the branch.
6) Sheets can be designed for the internal needs of the branch as long al the information turned in conforms to what the Work Committee wants.
7) Records, other than daily recording, will be kept in days + hours. 8 hours equaling one day. Branch records can be in parts of an hour (i.e. 2.5). When records are turned into the Work Committee, the smallest unit will be one hour. Extra parts of hours in branch records can be carried over to the next week, or dealt with some other way.
8) Sheets for misc. activities ( i.e. committees, sic, etc.) will be setup and located by the work committee.

General intent:
To allow for earning extra vacation and finishing jobs that take longer than expected without being penalized.

1) Additional vacation time can be earned by working more than quota.

General intent:
For folks mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health.

1) Guaranteed vacation balances will be kept separate from regular work balances.
2) Each member will get 21 days of guaranteed vacation, plus seven community holidays, and the member's birthday.
3) This replaces sabbatical time and the time received for turning in individual labor credit sheets.
4) The 21 days of guaranteed vacation can be taken in any quantity of whole days.
5) The 21 days of guaranteed vacation is received on the same schedule as sabbatical - i.e. in one year intervals from the time one becomes a provisional member.
6) Folks who got sabbatical in 1983 prior to this proposal, will get an additional 6 days of guaranteed vacation in 1983, in addition to the 15 days already received.


General intent:
This will insure that folks doing management have the clear support needed to make decisions, are responsive to what folks want and that as a community/branch, we discuss what we want from these folks.

1) Elected by the community:
a) Social Committee: 2-General Communitarians.
b) Social Committee & Work Committee: 1-common general communitarian position.
c) Resource Committee: 2-General Communitarians.
d) Treasurer.
e) Work Manager
f) Work Coordinator
g) Child Committee: 1-General Communitarian.
h) Medical Committee: 3-General Communitarians.
i) Agriculture Committee: 1-General Communitarian.
j) Business Committee: 2-General Communitarians.
k) Plant & Equipment Committee: 1-General Communitarian.
l) Services Committee: 1-General Communitarian.
m) Nut & Seed Products: General Manager, Marketing Manager
n) Casual Furniture: General manager, Marketing manager
o) Sandals: General Manager

2) Election process by the community will be:
a) Planners nominate 1 or more people for each position.
b) Petition option for additional nominations (10% of full members required)
c) Public discussion at the community meeting prior to the note.
d) Week long secret ballot, using the single vote transferable system.

3) If folks feel the need to, they can appeal an appointment or branch election to the next appropriate group.

4) all folks elected or appointed, may designate a deputy when they need to (except the planners)


1) Setup:
Main proposal:
work areas and management structure.
How the system works.
2) Planners appoint newly created management:
Initial branch managers, work coordinator committees.
New managers go into effect with the new system.
All managers start necessary prep work for new systems.
3) Old and new management meet:
Discuss projected demand and possible organization of the branches under the new system.
4) Work Committee reconciles supply, demand, individual desires:
Community decision on budgets, max. # PQ, work week.
Reconcile individual desires, criteria
First pass assignments, second pass...
6) Permanent work assignments:
7) Get ready, get set:
Work Coordinator preps (bookkeeping, HTA).
Set up books, papers, records.
Branch meetings, organize and schedule.
Last adjustments to permanent work assignments.
WIMP will have an orientation meeting with new managers.
8) Go:
Saturday - party
Sunday - recovery
Monday - start new system:
New managers start.
Permanent work assignments begin.
New committees start work and assume authority
*WIMP will assist work committee and anyone else who requests help during the transition.
*WIMP is in charge of the transition process & can modify it.
*WIMP will propose the starting date to a community meeting.

AREAS, COMMITTEES, BRANCHES : what goes where.

Note: Current managerships and metaships will remain as is until the branch manager makes a decision on hew they want to change things -if at all. What is being illustrated here is that it is the branches decision now - not the community's.

Board of Planners "
Public Relations Mgr. "

Planning Commission Resource Committee
Resource Planning
Land Use Planning
Space Use Planning
Work Committee Labor Manager
Work Manager
Work Coordinator
Treasurer same

Accounting Mgr. Accounting & Purchasing Branch
Purchasing Mgr.
Office Mgr.
Communications Mgr.
Planners Social Committee
Morale Board
Child Board Child Committee

Metas Child Branch
Health Team Medical Committee
Cultural Committee "
Weeds & Knots Committee "
Recreation Mgr. "
Holiday Mgr. "
Hunting Mgr. "
Pets Mgr. "
Membership Committee "
Visitor Manager "
Recruitment Manager "
Federation Delegates "
Network Manager "
Newsletter Manager "
Ag Board Agriculture Committee

Ag Equip. Mgr. Agriculture Branch
Field Crops Mgr.
Beef Mgr.
Chickens Mgr.
Dairy Mgr.
Fencing Mgr.
Compost Mgr.
Garden Mgr.
Orchard Mgr.
Foopin Mgr.
NSP: General Manager "
Marketing Manager "
Finance Manager "

Managerial Crew NSP Branch
Production Mgr.
Quality Control
Casual Furniture:
General Manager "
Marketing Manager "
Finance Manager "
Hamx Production Mgr. Casual Furniture Branch
Chair Production Mgr.
Stretchers Production Mgr.
Canteen Meta
General Manager "
Finance Manager "

None Sandals Branch
none Plant & Equip Committee

Building Maint Mgr. Building & Maint Branch
Safety Mgr.
Construction Mgr.
Utilities Mgr.
Gen. Maint Mgr.
Gen. Shop Mgr.
Recreation Stereo Mgr.
Grounds Mgr.
Recycling Mgr.
Storage Mgr.

Auto Maint Mgr. Garage Branch
Auto Usage Mgr.
Bicycles Mgr.
Metal Shop Mgr.
none Services Committee

Community Clothes Mgr. House Branch
Trusterty Mgr.
House Mgr.
Library Mgr.
Communications Mgr.

Kitchen Mgr. Kitchen Branch


1) Branch Managers will have complete control of branch activities until 3 months after the changeover, in order to inject some stability.

2) The newly appointed Agriculture and Child Committees will fill the role of the Branch Manager.


1) The work Committee was dissolved 9/85. Responsibilities and authority was split between the Work Manager and Resource Committee. Any reference to work committee hereafter is no loner in effect as such.

2) The positions of "Planners" were dissolved by LAS, 9/85. Many of the responsibilities and authority now lie with the community board. This shouldn't be confused with the new position of "Planner" as detailed in LAS.

3) Social Committee was reorganized.

4) Resource Committee was reorganized

5) Child Committee AKA Child Board, Members of the Community Board do not set on area committees as did the Planners, Business Committee now includes Sandals General Manager.

6) There may be exceptions to this in the current Annual Plan.

7) Re: Ag Committee; Ranch Branch was created 11/84 and falls under this committee, (see Government, Ranch Branch).